INCLUDED IN THIS PACK IS THE FOLLOWING: --------------------------------------- 1. INSTALL.BAT - Used to Install the Custom Dialler Modem Software specially designed for BDK. It is fast, small in size, takes up little memory and supports ANSI colour and escape codes. Once you have run install, change to the KS-BDK directory and type b. i.e (C:\KS-BDK\> b 2. SERVICES.TXT - Text guide of services BDK has on offer. 3. WHATNEXT.TXT - If your are unsure about what to do next then read this file. 4. TECH-HLP.TXT - The most common jargon you are likely to here in this type on environment. 5. B.DOC - Help file on how to use Custom Dialler Software. 6. NEWS-GRP.TXT - This is a current list of News-Groups BDK subscribes to. 7. FILEAREA.TXT - This is a current list of File Areas BDK Has to ACCESS. 8 OTHERS - Program files needed for Custom Dialler. 9. APPS-FORM.TXT - Excellent Opportunity to TAP INTO THE POWER of BDK! Simply fill in the application form and send to Address supplied. 10. FEATURE.TXT - This is an alternative method to market your services or products to BDK members and the public while on line. Other services on offer: ------------------------ PACKAGE 1: Your own email address ( --------- and an off-line mail reader package for DOS or Windows œ45 For A ONE YEAR Subscription, œ20 (once of payment) for email reigistration and mail off-line reader package. PACKAGE 3: Full Unlimited Internet Access (Call 0181 566-9106 for --------- a leaflet) œ84 for A 3 MONTH Subscription, œ15 a month there onwards. PS: Take a look at the FTP-SRV.TXT file which gives a detailed guide on how to utilise and stretch the band width of an existing or new mail address. If you require any additional information regarding these services or need to place an order then please do not hesitate to Call our UK Sales Office +44 (0) 181 566-9106 or E-Mail <<<<<<<< or Fax +44 (0) 181 991-2653 or sign-on to our on-line service: +44 (0) 181 566-9118 (8/N/1) or Post your enquires or orders to the address below. CHEQUE, VISA and ACCESS excepted. KNOWLEDGE SOLUTIONS LTD, RESEARCH HOUSE, FRASER ROAD, PERIVALE, MIDDX, UB6 7AQ, ENGLAND.